The National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova (CNPM) was established on 27 January 1996 upon the free consent of five founding members:
- The Federation of Employers in Construction and Production of Construction Materials;
- The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs;
- The Union of Employers in Transport and Road Makers;
- The League of Private Capital Entrepreneurs;
- The Association of Professional Participants on the Securities Market.
The main goal of CNPM is to promote, defend and represent the interests and the rights of the businesses in their relations with public authorities, trade unions and others on national and international level.
To promote the interests of its members internationally, the CNPM became a member of the International Organization of Employers (IOE) right after its creation, in 1997.
Presently, the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova comprises 17 members, 12 representing employers’ associations, unions and federations and 5 of them – big enterprises. The total number of enterprises represented by CNPM is about 5000, in which about 450,000 personnel are employed.
By sectors, the Confederation has the following structure:
Agriculture and Food Industry | 2 |
Construction | 5 |
Health and Medicine | 2 |
Public Services | 1 |
Services | 2 |
Transport | 2 |
Various | 3 |
Total | 17 |
It is worth mentioning that in 2009 CNPM extended its territorial coverage by opening four regional branches in the following cities: Bălţi, Cahul, Ungheni and Soroca.
The data collection activities helped identifying two main areas where the CNPM strength is most obvious:
1. Participation in the policy dialogue
2. International collaboration
Since its establishment, CNPM has had an important role in carrying out the social dialogue between governmental structures, unions and employers’ organizations. It is widely recognized by these partners that the Confederation has a significant contribution in shaping many policy decisions and, therefore, in influencing the legal framework that regulates the relations between employers and employees.
Based on the discussions and interviews conducted, it can be concluded that, in its members’ opinion, CNPM is perceived as an employers’ organization which has a biggest authority and legally established rights in conducting dialogue and negotiations with social partners. This opinion is very strong, even though many Confederation members admit that there are many opportunities for developing both CNPM capacities and impact it has, according to the opinions expressed by the members.
Benefiting from this statute, CNPM participates in the negotiations and signing of the collective agreements (at national level) and in Government’s meetings. The statute of social partner offers Confederation the right to delegate its members to participate in the following tripartite structures:
- National Commission for Collective Consultations and Bargaining, in which out of 30 members, 10 represent CNPM;
- Administrative Council of the National House for Social Insurance;
- Administrative Council of the National Company for Medical Insurance;
- Administrative Council of the National Employment Agency.
Additionally, in order to promote its members’ interests, CNPM participate in more than 13 commissions, councils and other advisory and decision making structures at national level.
At international level, CNPM promotes the interests of its members through the International Organization of Employers (IOE), whose member it has been since 1997. Through this organization, the CNPM obtains documentary materials and exchanges experience, as well as participates in different international tripartite reunions. The IOE also serves as a bridge connecting the CNPM with similar organizations throughout the world.
Also, CNPM established a fruitful collaboration with the sub-regional Office of the International Labour Organization in Budapest. The support provided by this organization is essential and refers to the multi-dimensional framework in which the employers’ organizations operate.