During 18-21 of April Henry Zimmermann, representative of Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany has visited the National Confederation of Employers of Moldova. During his visit priorities of the NCEM for the upcoming period and possibilities of German support have been discussed.
Henry Zimmermann has mentioned: “We want you to grow further, to work as professionally as possible with members and to develop the social dialogue”. Namely on these aspects the next project financed by Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will focus during the next 3 months.
To be mentioned that in the past the same project has offered support to develop a business plan for the NCEM and to edit a booklet for promoting the services offered by the Confederation.
In 2016 NCEM was included within a twining program with involvement of German partners: SEQUA gGmbH și Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (BdW).
The project was implemented with the support of Eurochambres within the Project East-Invest II.