CNPM welcomes Governments intention to stimulate the countrys economic activity and to create new work places.
We recall that recently, the management approved a regulation regarding subsidizing creation of work places. The regulation establishes the mechanism of use the financial means allocated from the state budget to subsidize creation of work places for some categories of persons, citizens of Moldova in order to relaunch the national economy, including the regional development and its adjustment to the conditions of labor market. Thus, the management plans in order to facilitate the implementation of the National strategy of attracting investments and promoting exports for 2016-2020, to allocate 40 thousands lei, which is the size of subsidy established for 2018, for every newly created working place. In total, in the state budget for 2018 for subsidies are allocated 40 thousands lei. In this way, the management plans to stimulate the creation up to 10 thousand new working places in 2018. The subsidy can only be used to pay the obligations to the consolidated budget regarding the payment of income tax on salary, premiums of compulsory medical insurance and social security contributions.
CNPM welcomes Governments intention to stimulate the countrys economic activity and to create new work places. However referring to the Regulation approved by the management we will mention some aspects, necessary to be considered at the following revaluation of this subsidizing policy. Thus, subject of the subvention are just some categories of the population (excluding men of 26-44 years), and people with disabilities are not targeted in any way by authorities that would exclude a series of industrial enterprises from the list of subsidy recipients. Beneficiary of a subsidy can be an economic agent that registers a one-year increase in the number of employees by 100 units. Theoretically, in 2018 maximum 100 economic agents can benefit of subsidy. The executive excludes from the scope of the Regulation certain economic activities without specifying the reason of exclusion or economic activity as long as it is legally; it has in essence the same scope and offers same benefits. As a criteria of calculation of the number of employees at the end of the year and number of employees at the end of the previous year. In this way, as the number of employees during the mentioned period differs, it seems not to be interesting for employers, thus creating fraudulent use opportunities of the given mechanism.