Members of the NCEM held a working meeting with representatives of the NHIH


Last week members of the National Confederation of Employers of Moldova (NCEM) together with Confederations management had a meeting with the President of the National Health Insurance House (NHIH) Laura Grecu and NHIH experts.

During the meeting more subjects have been discussed: the obligation to submit once per year BASS type declarations for the institutions that do not conduct economic activity, dont have employees and are not obliged to count social insurance contributions; issues of presenting the obligatory state social insurance declarations and the declaration of the insured person REV-5 corrected for prior periods; clarification of the methodology of counting the amounts related to remuneration of board members of joint stock companies with elective positions,  presentation of these amounts in REV-5, as well as their involvement in calculation of the sick leaves of these persons.

Representatives of NCEM and NHIH realized a broad exchange of opinions on these actual topics for the real sector of the economy and established the way of further cooperation.

“We hope that the explanations offered by the experts of NHIH are really useful for the representatives of the National Confederation of the Employers, has mentioned Laura Grecu, head of NHIH. We are waiting for proposals of concrete modifications of the legislation in the field of social insurance.”

“Thank you for the course offered on our request to discuss these issues, said Leonid Cerescu, head of NCEM. It is important to find solutions for the issues approached during the meeting.”

It was concluded that NCEM will write their proposals and the NHIH will analyze them in the shortest time and will establish together with the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection where the modifications will be included.