General Information

In order to support employers, the CNPM has developed an external Occupational Safety and Health service. The effective protection of employees, as part of the management system in the labor security and health can bring tangible financial benefits for all enterprises, regardless of their ownership form, size, and turnover. The following specific services are available:

  • Risk assessment of accidents at work or occupational diseases by identifying the threats and assessing the risk for each component of the labor system, including for groups that are sensitive to specific risks;
  • General introductory training, verification of knowledge in OSH area among staff categories, as well as filling in individual instruction sheets;
  • Training of workplace managers on organizing the OSH activity within the entity;
  • Drafting instructions for adding  and/or applying OSH regulations taking into account the specifics of the enterprise  activities, as well as the specifics of the job/position;
  • Participation in the development of prevention and protection plan which includes technical, sanitary, organizational and other types of actions based on risk assessment;
  • Establishing the duties and responsibilities in OSH area to the employees, according to the functions performed, which are recorded in the job description, and approved by the employer;
  • Develop topics for all the training phases;
  • Filling in the occupational risk exposure sheet for carrying out medical examination of employees upon employment and periodically, based on job description and technological sheets;
  • Communication and investigation of minor labor accidents;
  • Carrying out control of workplaces by drawing up inspection minutes which highlight deficiencies and set measures to be taken;
  • Establishing areas that require security and OSH warning signs;

Identification of individual protection equipment required for the workplaces in the enterprise and preparation of the list of required individual protection equipment to be provided to employees.