In the period 15-19 August, CNPM attended the third course on Environmental Impact Assessment for Enterprises.
The training course has been conducted on the basis of the German-Moldovan Twinning Program (SEQUA gGmbH, Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (BdW) and the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova), established under the East-Invest II Project, implemented with the support of Eurochambres. The purpose of the training program is to prepare CNPM to develop a new service for its current and potential members in the area of environmental law.
The third training module focused on environment related legal procedures pertaining to functioning of enterprises. Specifically, a series of legal acts have been presented and analyzed among which legal acts confirming the right to use (benefit from) natural resources, legal acts for contestation of state bodies’ actions/decisions related to environmental control, legal acts for recovering damages caused to enterprises as a result of violation of the ownership right over natural recourses etc.
The last training session which was a practical one was conducted within Moldovahidromas JSC. The company is a CNPM member and one of the largest producers of pumps in the Eastern Europe. The participants had the opportunity to observe various technological processes with impact on the environment and discuss about problems faced by the company in the area of environmental safety.
At the end of the course CNPM together with the expert and feedback from members agreed to focus on developing a consultancy service on environmental legislation.