Electricity tariffs subject discussed by the Competition Council


On May 25 at the office of Competition Council was held a meeting on the subject of electricity tariffs supplied to final consumers. It is sophisticated to charge electricity consumption, considering that the sector of electricity generation and delivery is a complex one. Thus, the main subject of this meeting was the method itself of tariffs application approved for consumption and supply of electricity and not the amount of mentioned tariffs.

The meeting was organized on the request of the National Confederation of Employers of Moldova following the meeting held on the 8th of February on the same topic and reasons to organize it is complaints of several economical agents on this topic. Meeting was attended by representatives of several economic agents and representatives of Gas Natural Fenosa, National Energy Regulatory Agency of the Republic of Moldova (ANRE), NCEM, and Association of Energy Consumers.

The situation examined during the meeting concerns payment of some tariffs that substantially differs (with about 30%) for same product, mainly electricity consumed by different economic agents depending on certain factors, appreciated as being subjective towards the given tariff. This creates advantages and respectively creates a hindrance in activity of concerned economic agents, which damages the business climate in the country. Although it is not easy to solve this issue but having the above mentioned situation, the complexity of concerned field, in present it is outlined the fact that the concerned issue manifests as a consequence of applying differentiated approaches from the perspective of methodology for calculating tariffs for transport and distribution of electricity.

Elucidation of the concerned subject will continue during some additional meetings on the platform offered by the Competition Council and the solution might target changing the methodologies in the concerned field approved by the National Energy Regulatory Agency, as well as changing the profile legislation.