During the period 14-20 of May, Leonid Cerescu, president of the National Confederation of Employers participated at a study visit on the topic of organization and development of dual education in Germany, organized within the project “Structural reform in the Technical Vocational Education in the Republic of Moldova”.
Within this visit have been discussed subjects related to: labour force policy of Trade Unions in Germany; responsibilities of Chambers of Professional Education; the study of the evolution of the labour market as a foundation of professional education; policy of vocational education at the level of federal states; international cooperation of GIZ in vocational education; agricultural vocational education; professional orientation in successfully graduation of professional studies; cooperation with economical partners (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training – BIBB); professional education in vocational schools; professional studies within enterprises, etc.
“We have visited several structures involved in dual professional education for specialists. Information obtained during this visit is very useful. I’m convinced that professional education in Germany is fundamental and thorough.
Preparing a specialist in a field according the dual form means this person firstly is employed in a company as then the entrepreneur will involve him in studies. Being employed he receives an education allowance of about 800 euro. Practical training represent 70% and the theoretical one about 30%”, said Leonid Cerescu.
He mentioned that German schools are highly equipped and have all the necessary tools to train the future specialist, equipped that he will work on, whether it is a tractor or a computer.
Business environment is ready to invest in this field, but wants to be ensured that sources that are spend on training student-disciple (and this means: education, food and transport allowances) will not be taxed such as it is practiced in the countries where dual education is successfully implemented.
Recently this subject has been recently discussed with the Economic Council of Prime Minister. Although it is discussed for a long time it is still little applied in our country. Now, 15 companies and 9 vocational schools are practicing this form of training involving 220 students. For 2018 it is foreseen that the number of beneficiaries is expected to reach 600 students.
At the study visit also participated representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, National Agency for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc.