Training Course on Environmental Impact Assessment for the Launch of a New CNPM Service


In the period 13 -17 June, the members of CNPM executive department attended a course on Environmental Impact Assessment for Enterprises.

The training course has been conducted on the basis of the German-Moldovan Twinning Program (SEQUA gGmbHBildungswerk der Wirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (BdW) and the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova), established under the East-Invest II Project, implemented with the support of Eurochambres.

The purpose of the training program is to prepare CNPM to develop a new service for its current and potential members in the area of environmental protection, obligation which is enshrined in the normative framework in force and directly in the Constitution of RM.

Specifically, the training course focused on the normative and legal framework on environmental impact assessment. It is worth mentioning that the legislation on environmental impact assessment is a component part of the environmental legislation, which ensures the observance of its basic principles in the area of environmental protection and natural resources use by the economic entities.

Thus, the enforcement of environmental legislation is entrusted to all economic entities, regardless of the ownership type and legal organizational form. Thus, the environmental legislation of the Republic of Moldova obliges economic entities to pay for environmental pollution, to observe the legislation on environmental expertise, to conduct the ecological audit of the enterprise etc.

In this context, CNPM considers that the implementation of a service on environmental protection for enterprises is appropriate.  By the end of the course CNPM will have identified the main aspects and intervention areas to be included in its new service.