Study tour of the National Confederation of Employers of Moldova in Germany under East-Invest II Programme


The representatives of the National Confederation of Employers of Moldova undertook a study tour in Germany in the period 3-8 April on the basis of the German-Moldovan Twinning Program, established under the East-Invest II Project, implemented with the support of Eurochambres. 

The study tour was organized with the purpose to provide CNPM support in developing its service strategy. In this context, the Moldovan partners were acquainted with the structure of German business and employers organizations, and chambers of commerce. A series of visits were undertaken to the national employers organizations (BDI and BDA), sectoral EOs (GESAMTMETALL), regional EOs (NORDMETALL), Chamber of Commerce of Schwerin etc.

Also, a meeting was organized at the headquarters of the Parliament of Mecklenburg Western Pomerania, where the Moldovan group had the opportunity to discuss with Ms. Sylvia Bretschneider (president of Parliament) about the bilateral relationships between Germany and Moldova.

Several training sessions were also held on issues related to services provided by employers organizations to their members at the Training Center of Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

We believe that the experience of German partners will contribute to developing an effective CNPM service strategy. In this context we would like to highlight the valuable contribution and thank Mr. Hans Manzke and Mr. Henry Zimmermann (Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), and Ms. Anastasia Thulke (SEQUA gGmbH) for the excellent organization of the study tour.