Environment protection – a responsibility for producers, importers and distributors


On September 6 within a working meeting the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MARDE) presented the new legal framework and launched the dialog between the interested parties to establish the mechanism of implementing the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

Twenty representatives of ministries and unions from the Republic of Moldova including the National Confederation of Employers have attended the meeting.

During the meeting, two developed and consulted normative acts will facilitate the mechanism of application mechanism of provisions in the concerned areas:

Regulation on Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council since July 4, 2012 on electric and electronic equipment waste);

Regulation on package and waste packaging (Directive of the European Parliament and Council 94/62/CE since December 20, 1994 on package and waste packaging).

Projects were consulted by the interested institutions and ministries and now the dialog is open for producers/distributers and importers of the country focusing on REP.

Article 12 of the Law no 209 since 29.07.2016 regarding the wastes aims on stimulation of the economic agents and foresees extended liability of the producer, who places on the internal market products that fall under incidence of the REP principle. Producer has to honor his responsibility towards the environment according to his activity and from which he gets profit. In this respect, the law foresees that the targeted producers/distributers will establish individual or collective systems of collecting and returning municipal waste. Implementing the REP principle will result in minimizing the negative economic effects generated by pollution on the environment during production process, facilitating recycling through perfecting the product’s design and development of recycling industry.

REP principle applies on WEEE (Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment), package, batteries, accumulators, end-of-life vehicles, used oils, and for every type of waste, a secondary legal frame is being developed.

The established regulations will contribute to the growth of recycling rate and decrease of storage of recycling products mixed with other waste at the municipal storages.

Law no 209 since 29.07.2019 on waste management will come into force on 23.12.2017.